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type of typhoon

classified by intensity

  Typhoon is classificated by intensity. The standard of intensity is the maximum wind speed near the core of typhoon.

  i) Tropical Depression: Maximum wind speed at the center reaches 34 to 48 knots (17 m/s ~ 25m/s) .

  ii) Tropical Storm: Maximum wind speed at the center reaches 48 to 64 knots (25 m/s - 33 m/s) or      

                                scale 8 - 11 on the Beaufort scale.

  iii) Typhoon: Maximum wind speed at the center reaches 64 to 85 knots (33 m/s - 44 m/s) or scale

                              12 - 15 on the Beaufort scale.

  iv) Severe Typhoon: Maximum wind speed at the center exceeds 85 knots (44 m/s) or over scale

                               16 on the Beaufort scale.



classified by size

Typhoon is classificated by size. The size of a typhoon is classified by the radius of the area in which the wind speed exceeds 15 m/s.

Typhoon is determined by intensity and size. So, The intensity and size represents different aspect of a typhoon. That is, we could have a strong but not large typhoon, and also a large but not strong typhoon.

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