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Number of Typhoon Impacted to Korea

[table 1] ] Number of typhoon impacted to korea (1904~2015)

 As you see, about three typhoon impact to korea in one year. typhoon attacks gradually in august, july, September. And during this three months, attacking typhoon number is 90%, once in great while typhoon attack in june or October.

[picture 1] monthly distribution of typhoon impacted to korea

Damage of Life and Property

Until 1904 to 2009, total damage of typhoon are death or disappear 6,005 people, property damage about 140,232 one hundred million. Annual average death or disappear 57 people, property damage about 1,336 one hundred million.

[table 2] gradually damage of life and property

This table is informed gradually damage of life and property. In case of property, all emerge after 1990s except typhoon "THELMA" in 1987. And we research 5 typhoon after 2000s and know damage increase rapidly by rising discharge because recent a sudden city expanding, relative decline of latex and complexing of various industrial facilities. On the other hands, life damage appeared before 1980s but for THELMA and 2002 RUSA. So it inform characteristic of aspect of change about life damage.

Maximum Precipitation


From 1904 to 2010, Until now the [table 3] is represented about maximum precipitation raking observed day when typhoon pass.

[table 3] Maximum precipitation racking in day when typhoon pass

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