NAME Park sejin
MAJOR environmental engineering
Hi, I'm a senior of Ewha Woman's University and major in environmental engineering. I'm glad to have had an opportunity to study Korea typhoon warning system, through Hydrometeorology and lab class in this semester! I hope you had an interest in typhoon warning through our site. If you have any question, please contact to mail.
NAME Kim hyemin
MAJOR environmental engineering
Hi. I'm a junior in Ewha Woman‘s University. This was my first time studying about the meteorology, and found out that it was interesting and tough at the same time. Through this project, I learned about typhoon deeply. It was a great chance for me to get together with teammates and gain knowledge.

NAME Ko kyeonghyeon
MAJOR environmental engineering
Hi~I'm a junior in Ewha Womans University. I like to travel and look a nice view with nice people. Making our webpage is very difficult because this is first work. But we do our best. So I hope you gain many information through our webpage.

NAME Lee nahyun
MAJOR environmental engineering
Hello. I'm a junior in Ewha Womans University. And I have a interest in atmosphere and water environmental engineering. So I hope to work related these field in the world. Although this page seems so lousy and notices so shallow contents, our members are effort to make this webpage. Because it is our first webpage. However, it is sure that our members and me will improve and get better through about these opportunity.

NAME Khatun Mst Mariam
MAJOR environmental engineering
Hi This is Mariam Hussain. I graduated from Asian University for Women, Chittagong, Bangladesh majoring in Environmental Science and minoring in Mathematics. Currently, I am a graduate student of College of Engineering at EWHA Womans University, Seoul, S. Korea majoring in Hydrometeorology. My interest of research areas are extreme events analysis like cyclones, quantitative precipitation forecast, flash flood assessment, data assimilation and climate studies.