Standard of typhoon advisory
Typhoons can cause of meteorological disasters due to
the strong winds and torrential rains caused by typhoons.
When a typhoon is predicted to affect the our country,
KMA issue a typhoon advisory or typhoon warning.
The special report of typhoon is divided into
typhoon advisory(태풍 주의보) and typhoon warning(태풍 경보).

Figure 1. Weather map when weather is fine (2016.05.07)

Figure 2. Weather map when typhoon warning is issued (2012.08.27)
Typhoon advisory
The typhoon advisory is issued when the gale, storm, heavy rain are expected to reach it's watch standard due to typhoon.
Because typhoon is accompanied with strong winds and rain,
if weather reach the standard of wind wave advisory, heavy rain advisory, or strong wind advisory,
typhoon advisory is also issued.
Typhoon warning
The typhoon warning is issued if one of the following situations is happened.
Reach the strong wind warning standard,
or total precipitation is more than 200mm,
or reach the storm surge warning standard.